
General notes


Thicket stores its site-wide configuration in a single file, site.config.ts. You can configure the URL where your digital garden will be hosted, the directory where your nodes will be stored. You can also configure the theme by editing the Windi CSS configuration.

If you change the directory where the files are stored in this file, you will need to manually update it in src/pages/[...node].astro, since Astro.glob() does not support dynamic strings at the moment.


All of the markdown configuration required by Astro is stored in markdown.config.ts. This configuration is kept separate from the main configuration because there can be opportunities to add more features to Thicket which might require parsing markdown files differently.

Some more configuration files

Configuration Checklist

NOTE: Store the markdown files in a directory in the same one as of Thicket. It probably won't work if you store it outside the template.


Customizing Thicket is fairly straightforward. All the components and layouts are located located in src.